Thursday 8 April 2010

Day 11 - Yokohama 横浜, (Kanagawa Prefecture) - South of Tokyo

Today, our destination was to be the sleepy City of Yokohama.

I'll quickly touch upon the main 2 reasons with which Yokohama attracted us;

1. This was (and perhaps still is) the home of Spud's Japanese Sensei.
{ ...and he did mention a fair few times throughout our time in Japan that he would like to set down his tiny size 8's on his Sensei's home soil}

2. Yokohama has a quite a large Chinatown. So large ...that it is the largest Chinatown not only in Japan but also in Asia!
So! After leaving Yokohama Station and taking a right. A left... and another right... hopefully heading toward Yokohama Stadium -
- we found ourselves walking through "Yokohama Park" which just happened to be holding a Spring Fair. These are the photos of some amazing and incredibly vibrant tulips or various shapes and colours that were in bloom.
I'll be honest. At first I thought "who are these sad b****ds taking photos of FLOWERS!!!!".... but then in no time at all err... joined in! You gotta admit, they ARE pretty cool :)

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