Thursday 8 April 2010

Day 3, Shibuya, Tokyo 東京

To be honest this blogging malarkey isn't brilliant when you're out sightseeing all day and (if you can find a bar) drinking in the evening. That's why this post is days late. Shibuya seems to be a business place. The most notable feature we found was the famous Shibuya crossing by the Hachikō exit of the train station.

After seeing the crossing and crossing the crossing we went to find some food. We found a fugu place that seemed to be closed but had some extremely ugly fish in the window. They're even worse if you scare them apparently.

In the end we went in a little bar where we opted for a dish of fried noodles topped with miscellaneous bits of vegetables and seafood. I was quite happy to see that it had little octopus tentacles in it as I'd never tried them before and they were quite tasty.

After we'd slurped down the tentacles it was back to Shinjuku for beer and bed.

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